Taking a little break from twitter, well social media in general. Instagram has mostly become product placement/promotion. After reading some of the fine print of the bill introduced to ban TikTok it seems that the federal government ONLY wants social media based in this country to be used for product advertisement. Instagram must have gotten the memo a few years ago as every influencer has links in bio or links embedded in their posts to about 5 major retailers. If you ever believed these supposed Silicon Valley tech innovators were actually independent and not arms of the department of defense/justice (whatever) you are mistaken. TikTok, no doubt a product of the Chinese government has links directly to their TikTok storefront, where one can share their personal information and physical address with a foreign power (lol) in exchange for cheap, off brand, knock off bullshit that will undoubtedly break and also carries a curse that will haunt you and your offspring due to the forced child labor that was used in making whatever flammable bs you purchased.
I watched a few minutes of spongebob this morning. Why, because it’s still funny and also nostalgic. It was the episode where he enters Gary in a pet show. the owners are all fretting over their animals and Patrick is told he cannot attend because he is not a pet. long story short the pets stage a protest and Patrick ends up winning the contest, he has put a collar on himself and is acting like a pet. In doing so he is afforded the special status that the pets and their owners have. I started thinking for a few minutes about this. Nowadays people afford their pets all sorts of special attention and status. It is practically low status to NOT have a pet that you obsess over and lightly to moderately munchausen. I wonder in an age when people are taking drastic medical and surgical measures to “matter” or be afforded special status how far away we are from people transitioning into animals so that they can be pets?
Was listening to a podcast today on Egyptian pharaohs. I have dabbled in Egyptian history since I was a small child. By dabbled I mean there was a period in 5th grade where I read everything I could get my hands on and had a minor obsession with Queen Hatshpesut. It’s remarkable that the majority of what we know (think we know) about ancient Egypt is really about 15-20 things repeated over and over by different historians with slightly different delivery. I say that to say, we know little to nothing about them or that time other that what can be inferred based on current thought and culture which may not be that far off as humanity/human nature and culture has not changed much if at all. Religion hasn’t changed either, the pope’s outfits/headdress are not unlike pharaohs. The worship of Aten and Amun are not unlike the god of Christendom even the idea that Aten spoke to the people through his chief priest Akhenaton sounds reminiscent of present day religions. Oh yeah we call them pharaoh because thats what was recorded in the Bible that was never their formal name or way they were addressed officially….they’d probably wonder what we are talking about or kill us as pharaoh refers to a great house and not the divine right and rulership they have there is no honor their forebears, actual gods…
I will continue to post here for awhile while on hiatus from twitter, which I think I will be back. idk lol
I would say social media is still an active battleground, a very important one. The ease of communication from all to all fundamentally changes . . . everything. Yes, "they" are doing everything in their power to put that genie back in the bottle, but I think it's just fingers in the dike (sorry for the mixed metaphor!). The unmediated ability to develop shared consciousness across all of humanity is a change on the scale of the Gutenbergy Press, IMHO. But like that change, it might play out over centuries, certainly decades at the very least.
I had a girlfriend in college whose father would collate and republish 19th century Egyptology writings. It's a rabbit hole that you could spend lifetimes inside. 'Twouldn't be a bad life either!